• Internet of Things (IoT) is a vast concept that is finding its utility in various industries namely manufacturing, healthcare, retail, real estate and even education. Diving deeper in IoT, experts have harnessed the power of machine learning and big data to result in more useful theory of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

    This concept mainly finds its application in manufacturing industry.

    What is IIoT?

    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) combines the data collected through sensors and transfers it to other devices using machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. This theory finds its dominancy in the niche of manufacturing where there is desperate need of managing and transferring large amount of data wirelessly.


    When every process of capturing and transferring information to machines is automated, there are minimal to zero chances of error. In fact, the time and efforts saved by getting work done through smart machines enables entrepreneurs to focus more on problem areas.


    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has the power to access large amount of data at high speed, thereby increasing the pace of overall industrial operations. This undeniable potential is now put to use by several manufacturing industries with the help of Industrial Internet of Things companies.

    How Can Companies Benefit from IIoT?

    After knowing the exact definition of industrial internet of things (IIoT), let’s know how it benefits manufacturing units and other industries:


    • Increased work efficiency with IIoT automation has resulted in higher profits.
    • As all the work of capturing, accessing and transferring of data is carried out through M2M communication using IoT concept, industries experience innumerable benefits in terms of:
      • Scalability
      • Cost Savings
      • Time Savings
      • Improved integrity, synchronization and connectivity
    • As IIoT using smart devices to establish an integrated ecosystem, it breaks the large amount of data into smaller, meaningful and organized information sets. Such structured data is easier in connecting people and process together.
    • When everything is automated and transparent, it is possible for an individual to derive insights of ongoing processes and make necessary changes in process of optimization.

    Concerns Related to IIoT

    Companies that have implemented IIoT are exposed to the risk of security breaches. While technology experts are striving hard to make IIoT communications between smart devices as safe as possible, minor security threat still persists.


    Apart from this, interoperability is another matter of concern for those planning to implement IIoT for streamlining the operations. Different protocols of devices connected by IIoT and their diversified architecture accounts for its interoperability issue.

    What Does the Future Look Like with IIoT?

    Modernization in industries is seen in the form of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). As new capabilities in automation are exposed with regards to IIoT, companies are diverting their attention to this concept.


    With the potential to revolutionize the way of operations in manufacturing domain, IIoT definitely sees a bright future ahead. Security and interoperability have been tackled to an extent and advanced algorithms related to these concerns are under progress.

Elena Cooper

Elena Cooper is IoT Specialist and Digital Marketing Executive at ControlAny. Well-known to the IoT ecosystem, this expert derives industry-leading automation solutions for redefined connected experience. Elena likes to be updated on innovation in IoT domain and shares her knowledge by writing on IoT automation solutions and its real world applications.

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  • Security is always desired by individuals, especially when it comes to safety of personal belongings, family members, office, home or any other valuable asset. Considering the significance of this aspect, home automation systems have expanded their capabilities to integrate with security devices.


    ControlAny is one such company that provides a valuable platform for home owners to redefine security and experience complete safety. The team at ConrolAny has profound experience in implementing an integrated system that connects all security devices of your home including:

    • CCTV cameras
    • Burglar Alarm
    • Motion Sensors
    • Smoke Sensors
    • Door and Windows Sensor
    • Parking Sensor & Camera

    How Does Integrated Home Security Automaton System Work?

    A system installed at your home that is well synchronized with all security devices not only keeps you relaxed but also provide immense comfort and convenience. Following pointers explain the overall working of integrated home security automaton system in different scenarios:


    • Suppose a person is entering your home through main door or from back side. A camera installed at these places detects the entry of intruder. This is reported to authenticated user along with the precise time at which such suspicious activity took place.
    • If a person tries to open the main door of house, the registered user is alerted about it through door lock system.
    • In case an intruder tries to enter the home through parking gate or garage, you receive a notification informing you of such activity.
    • As soon as an unauthenticated person tries to open door or window lock, a siren is raised instantly to report the entry of stranger. This alerts an individual to take necessary action of calling for help or contacting police in such cases.
    • Authenticated user gets notification when door or window lock was opened.
    • Upon receiving signal from motion sensor, home security automaton system alerts user of some unexpected motion event happening in the surroundings of your home.
    • Smoke detector tests the quality of air and reports user in case of high CO2 levels.
    • In the similar manner, home owner or registered user is made aware of water leakage that is detected by water level sensor.
    • Home security automaton system provides the convenience to lock/unlock door with remote access through mobile phones.
    • Set the mode as ‘At Home’ or ‘Away’ in Home security automaton system as per your current location. When at home, it enables local controls while when away, it gives you cloud-based remote control.

    Important Factors to Consider While Choosing Home Security Automaton System

    It is vital to know that the security automaton system you are planning to install is compatible with the devices you have at home. You obviously would not like to make unnecessary expense on buying devices of brands that are supported by the system. So it is better to get clarification on whether your devices will be integrated with the home security automation system or not.


    Contact a reliable and reputed home security automaton system installer to get your home secured today.

Elena Cooper

Elena Cooper is IoT Specialist and Digital Marketing Executive at ControlAny. Well-known to the IoT ecosystem, this expert derives industry-leading automation solutions for redefined connected experience. Elena likes to be updated on innovation in IoT domain and shares her knowledge by writing on IoT automation solutions and its real world applications.

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  • Have you imagined the automated world of tomorrow? How does it look like? Though you may think big in terms of automation, it’s never enough. IoT automation solutions have grown to an extent that even the wildest of your imagination can be turned into reality by leveraging the power of it.

    What is Internet of Things?

    Internet of Things (IoT) concept is the internetworking of several smart devices (physical gadgets that have Wi-Fi capabilities) to establish a connected ecosystem. This is the latest topic of conversation not only at workplaces but also at homes, restaurants and everywhere else.

    The depth of this concept can be gauged from the fact that Internet of Things controls following aspects of living:

    • How we live
    • How we work
    The Internet of Things focuses more on machine-to-machine communication through cloud network. Data gathering is accomplished through sensors that detect useful information for smart devices to act accordingly.

    To explain in layman’s language, internet of things is an ecosystem that operates through virtual instantaneous connections that has the power of controlling our lives to make it more intelligent and smart.

    Did You Know? Mind-Blowing Stats of IoT

    The Internet of Things that connects wearables, smart devices, cars and other appliances is expanding at an unprecedented rate. Number stated below will explain the rising trend of IoT among people and businesses:

    • As per IHS survey, IoT market will grow to 30.7 billion devices in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025.


    • Business Insider anticipates $6 trillion spending on IoT solutions in the coming five years.
    • According to Cisco there will be over 50 billion connected devices worldwide by 2020.
    • The sales of these devices is about to boost as research firm IDC estimates the global expenditure on IoT services and smart devices will touch $1.7 trillion in 2020.

    Present Scenario

    At present, there are several IoT automation solutions with regards to home, building and energy monitoring. These solutions are like a dream come true for people who always fantasized comfort and convenience.

    Comfort & Convenience IoT Solutions

    Automated IoT solutions have redefined comfort and convenience by enabling users to control appliances at home ad office by setting predefined conditions.

    For example, while the time is 3:00 a.m. (midnight) and room temperature senses less than 18°C then turn off the air conditioner automatically. Who would deny such pampering offered by IoT solutions?

    Energy Monitoring IoT Solutions

    User can keep a close track of what devoice is consuming how much power with IoT energy monitoring solutions. Such analysis can help a user determine ways to reduce power consumption.

    For example, an individual can predefine the time when lights, fans and air conditioner go ‘OFF’ as soon as he/she leaves for work in the morning. Such real time energy monitoring helps in saving a lot amount of money on electricity bill.

    Security IoT Automation Solutions

    Security is always a matter of concern for those who leave home early mornings and return late. IoT security automation solutions enable users to keep a check on intruders from entering the home.

    For example, sensors installed at doors and windows send notification when they are opened and at what time. This way, any unusual activity can be tracked easily with security IoT automation solution.

    On a Concluding Note

    The Internet of things is expanding and so is its utility in home automation, building automation and industrial arena. Get ready to experience the drastic change in ways we live and work.

Elena Cooper

Elena Cooper is IoT Specialist and Digital Marketing Executive at ControlAny. Well-known to the IoT ecosystem, this expert derives industry-leading automation solutions for redefined connected experience. Elena likes to be updated on innovation in IoT domain and shares her knowledge by writing on IoT automation solutions and its real world applications.

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